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Sohal Tang

    The Sohal Tang (Acanthurus sohal) is one of the most strikingly colored members of the surgeonfish family. Its bold stripes and aggressive nature make it a favorite among marine aquarium enthusiasts, but it also means that potential keepers should approach their care with a degree of experience and caution.

    Appearance: The Sohal Tang is characterized by its deep blue or black body with sharp white or light blue vertical stripes. It also has a bright orange spine near the tail (like all surgeonfish), which it can use as a defensive tool against threats or rivals.

    Habitat: This species is native to the Red Sea and the Arabian Sea. It’s often found in shallow, clear waters, particularly around coral reefs.

    Aquarium Care:

    • Tank Size: The Sohal Tang is an active swimmer and can grow up to 16 inches in the wild (though typically smaller in captivity). As such, a tank of at least 180 gallons (680 liters) is recommended. A larger tank is preferable, especially if you’re planning to keep it with other potentially aggressive tank mates.
    • Diet: The Sohal Tang primarily grazes on algae in the wild. In captivity, its diet should consist of marine-based seaweed and algae. You can provide dried seaweed using a veggie clip and supplement this with high-quality pellets, flake foods, and occasional meaty foods.
    • Tank Mates: The Sohal Tang is known for its assertive and sometimes aggressive behavior. It can be particularly territorial with other tangs or similarly shaped fish. Care should be taken when introducing new fish into a tank with an established Sohal Tang. Ideally, introduce potential rivals simultaneously or ensure there are plenty of hiding spots and visual barriers in the tank.
    • Environment: A reef tank with lots of live rock offers both grazing opportunities and hiding spaces. They are strong swimmers, so providing open areas for swimming is also essential.
    • Water Parameters: Typical marine conditions – salinity of 1.023-1.025 specific gravity, temperatures between 76-80°F (24-27°C), and a pH of 8.1-8.4.
    • Health: While the Sohal Tang is relatively hardy, it’s still susceptible to common marine fish diseases like ich. A proper quarantine protocol for new arrivals and maintaining pristine water quality can help in prevention.

    Conclusion: The Sohal Tang is undoubtedly a centerpiece fish due to its bold appearance. However, its assertive nature means it’s best suited for aquarists with some experience in managing marine fish behaviors. With the right environment and proper care, the Sohal Tang can thrive and become a long-term resident of a marine aquarium.